Universal IoT Gateway

Universal IoT Gateway - ABS Enclosure

Ref.: PA222410100 / PA222410102 / PA222410101 / PA222410103
915 MHz
915 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
  • Cloud connectivity with the Tekon IoT Platform for devices from other manufacturers
  • Data transmission via MQTT and REST API
  • Communication using Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP
  • Local data storage
  • Data security and encryption

In the fast-paced world of information technology, an increasing number of industries are making use of IoT devices to collect large amounts of data. More often than not, this data is transferred to a centralized system for analysis and storage. Universal IoT Gateway connects edge devices and sensors to the cloud or data center for data processing, analysis, and decision-making in real time. Monitor your process locally or remotely through data into an analytics platform for business insights.

Universal IoT Gateway offers edge computing capabilities. You can use Node-RED, which provides a browser-based drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to connect old and new industrial technologies to the IoT, using a variety of available network nodes. Now it is possible to gather data from Tekon Electronics wireless solutions and third-party devices!


What kind of technological ecosystem can the Universal IoT Gateway be integrated into?

By combining Tekon Electronics wireless solutions with devices from other manufacturers, it is possible to develop and centralize a data collection system that gathers all the information and allows data processing and correlation with a user interface designed to simplify data analysis and process feedback.


universal iot gateway ecossistema


Get to know the Universal IoT Gateway in detail!

Radio Specifications
  868MHz 915MHz
Range* Up to 4 Km LoS
Radio transmit power  0 to 27 dBm 8 to 27 dBm
Radio receiver sensitivity  -97 to -110 dBm  -97 to -110 dBm
Frequency  868 to 869 MHz  902 to 928 MHz
Radio channels 16 50
Encryption method AES 128 (Advanced Encryption Standard)
*Range depends on the environment and line of sight. Always verify your wireless network's range by performing a Site Survey.
Wireless Network
Maximum devices

55 for DUOS family and 55 for PLUS family

Serial Port

1x 3-input RS485 terminal block

Ethernet Communication

2x RJ45 ports


1x 1.8" TFT LCD 128 x 160 color pixels

Wireless Connection

1x Wi-Fi Access Point

Cellular Connection

1x Nano SIM Card for 3G/4G

Reset button
Web Interface Features
Device configuration
Network settings
Cloud settings
Cellular settings
Modbus (RTU and TCP/IP) settings
Data visualization and analysis
Alarms and notifications
FW and SW updates
Intuitive data consultation in dashboards

Arm Quad Core Cortex-A72 64-bit SoC


16 GB eMMC flash


3G/4G cellular Modem (optional)

Serial Port

Modbus RTU: master (optional) and slave modes



Baud rates

4,8k to 115,2k

Available modbus addresses

1 to 247

IoT Connectivity
Integration with Tekon IoT Platform via REST API
Integration with third-party IoT platforms via MQTT broker and Node-Red (optional)
Data sent by Ethernet, Wi-Fi or GSM (optional)
Extra features

Software pack for third-party devices integration.
Modbus master for RS485 interface.
Modbus client for TCP/IP Ethernet interface.


Software pack for alarms and notifications features.
Setup of alarm conditions for each logged variable.
Setup of notifications via email and/or SMS.


Software pack for NodeRED tool feature.
Fully working NodeRED interface for advanced users.
Powerful framework for demanding applications.


Software pack for dashboards feature.
User-configurable dashboards for data visualization.
Different and user-friendly widgets available.

Data Logging
Integrated memory for data storage
Data from Tekon DUOS and PLUS wireless systems
Generic data from third-party equipment (via Modbus)
Protection Index

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